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Ciao! WE’RE IN AFRICA Receives Another 5-star Award

It’s always nerve-wracking submitting a book for a review especially when the organisation* proudly states that they, “reject 90% of books that it considers”. Yet, in August, ‘Ciao! WE’RE IN AFRICA’ was successfully awarded 5-stars from indieBRAG (Book Readers’ Appreciation Group). Yay! You can read that review and others on Goodreads**. Seeking reviews and other ways to share my books is ongoing; and, is a responsibility for all authors. In fact, it’s much like a parent that continues to support their offspring … thankfully, our human offspring (two daughters) are doing well for themselves and more often than not, it’s me asking them to make contact and take some time out from their busy lives.

Recently, I met up with a lovely couple, an Australian named Bettina and her charismatic Italian husband, Gabriele (Gabby). Bettina has just written Gabby’s story of growing up in Italy (west of Rome) during WW2 and then leaving in 1952, to seek fame and fortune in Australia. There are some great similarities to my Italian family—even if it was migration to a different part of the world—and I’m excited for them, as they commence their publishing journey.

It’s lovely to hear other people’s stories and if you are thinking of writing a book or are just about there—good on you. In fact, any creative outlet has been proven to help with mental health. MH is a recognised illness and can strike at any time. There is no logic when anxiety or depression attacks; all of us need to be mindful and self-manage. So, here’s a thought for the month ahead: What is your creative outlet and how can you embrace it? Arrivederci!

*Interview indieBRAG CEO & President

** Goodreads Reviews (incl. indieBRAG) -

Marisa Parker - Author


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